




今天,Aramex在全球310多个地方雇佣超过8,100多名员工,其强大的联盟网络可覆盖全球。 Aramex提供的服务范围包括国际和国内快递、货运代理、物流和仓储、档案和信息管理、电子商务和网络购物。

About Aramex

Aramex is a leading global provider of comprehensive logistics and transportation solutions. Established in 1982 as an express operator, the company rapidly evolved into a global brand recognized for its customized services and innovative multi-product offering.

In January 1997, Aramex became the first Arab-based international company to trade its shares on the NASDAQ stock exchange.

After five years of successful trading, Aramex returned to private ownership in February 2002 and continued to expand and excel as a privately owned company, establishing global alliances and gaining stronger brand recognition.

In June 2005 Aramex went public on the Dubai Financial Market (DFM) as Arab International Logistics (Aramex) with its shares traded under ARMX.

Today, Aramex employs more than 12,300 people in over 353 locations across 60 countries, and has a strong alliance network providing worldwide presence.The range of services offered by Aramex includes international and domestic express delivery, freight forwarding, logistics and warehousing, records and information Management solutions, e-business solutions, and online shopping services.



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下一篇 2023-07-08 16:41:16


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